Early Warning Signs

While the characteristics and severity of symptoms may vary from child to child, dyslexia and language-learning disorders are neurologically-based and impact the development of efficient listening, speaking, reading, spelling and writing skills.
Warning signs of these disorders can be present in children as young as 2 1/2 years of age. The condition, if left untreated, persists into adulthood. Below are some early warning signs:

Next Steps
If you suspect that your child may have trouble with his/her language skills, please consider getting three important evaluations:
- 1. An audiological screening/evaluation to make sure that your child is hearing well.
- 2. A vision assessment to make sure your child’s vision is not impaired.
- 3. Schedule an evaluation with a speech-language pathologist.
Difficulties with oral-language as a young child puts one at high-risk for developing dyslexia. Get help early!